Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Name This Baby!

Here is the first photo of our 1st ever grandchild. Girl, 19 inches, 7lbs 5oz Here name is....[undetermined]. Well, it has been only 3 hours since she was born. She is soooo beautiful.


pamelasue said...

Oh, I am so excited! Congratulations..this is the best thing ever, being a grandparent. And Mitchell got to see her! How wonderful! Hip, hip, hooray!

pamelasue said...

oops! Oh yeah, and she is darling! Beautiful and sweet, just like her mama.

ClaysJenna said...

Oh she is SO beautiful!!

Chandie said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful little baby girl!! :)
Oh, and for a name... Chandie is a GREAT one! :-) hehehe

holo said...

Sorry Chandie...they named her "Kaili Michelle." But Chandie is really a nice name. Really.

pamelasue said...

I need MORE! Post more pictures! Hurry, hurry, hurry!:) And is it pronounced like "Kaylee"?

DaPaPaG said...

Hey Curt and Michelle! What a beautiful baby! "Kendall" can be a girl's name too! Try it out on her. I know you have already named her, but it's not too late to change! Congratulations. I'm so glad that Mitchell got to see her too! -Kenny
